Through play and multiple hands-on activities, children in Kindergarten are introduced to Mitzvot they can understand and practice, such as honoring parents, welcoming strangers, telling the truth, keeping promises, visiting the sick, caring for animals, not putting stumbling blocks before disabled people,and many others, especially "tikkun olam" or helping make the world a better place.
Major terms are introduced into the young child's vocabulary concerning the Synagogue, including Torah, Ark, Rabbi, Cantor, Congregation, God, Prayer, Shabbat and Holidays.
Many Holiday Projects are undertaken in the classroom involving the symbols and foods around Shabbat, the High Holidays and Festivals, Hannukah, Purim and Passover.
The children learn the major Bible Stories included in the Book of Genesis, from the Creation of the World through the story of Joseph and his Brothers, and then move through the remainder of the Five Books of Moses, including the Exodus from Egypt and the Ten Commandments.
We also discover Hebrew names, as well as important Hebrew words and phrases and talk about prayer.
Art and music classes reinforce classroom learning through song and hands-on art projects.